Powering the Heart of Gaming
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Gaming and Amusement / Gehäuseteile / Scanner /

Datalogic Gryphon GFS4500

(Artikelnr: GFS4520-BKK1-RED)
Datalogic Gryphon GFS4500 Datalogic Gryphon GFS4500 Datalogic Gryphon GFS4500
Datalogic Gryphon GFS4500 Datalogic Gryphon GFS4500 Datalogic Gryphon GFS4500

Designed for easy integration and simple installation, the GFS4500
scan modules provide ready-to-use versatile solutions for kiosks
and machine manufacturers. The GFS4500 module can be easily
integrated with little effort in different enclosures from multiple sides
with its small regular size and various fixing points.

The Gryphon GFS4500 2D scan modules are made to last with a
durable design for maximum uptime. You can rely on them for
both indoor and outdoor applications with the IP54 sealing, the UV
protected scratch resistant output window, the wide range operating
temperature and the great resistance to accidental drops, shock, and
vibrations. RS-232 and USB/RS-232 models have an integrated cable
while the USB models are equipped with a locking clip to prevent the
USB cable from coming loose or disconnecting.
The 5-year factory warranty proves the GFS4500 series has been
designed to last.


The GFS4500 2D scan modules features the most advanced
Megapixel sensor technology with distinctive red or white illumination
technology with adjustable brightness for outstanding reading
performance. The wide angle optics allows snappy scanning of any 1D
and 2D barcodes and it starts reading at almost contact while offering
improved motion tolerance and first pass decoding of fast-moving
codes. The speedy reading of tickets, boarding passes, loyalty cards,
and coupons from mobile phone displays is granted by the ultimate
decoding algorithms you can count on.



€ 199,00
Preis pro Stück


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